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Education news at HSE University

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Jul 3 – Jul 4
BRICS Civil Forum

Applications for participation can be submitted until June 20, 2024 

Jul 15 – Jul 17

International conference 'Algebraic Topology and Applications'

Jul 15, 12:00

Open day of the programme 'Data Analytics and Social Statistics': 'Applied Statistics and Data Science'

Illustration for news: From Summer Schools to a Supercomputer: HSE Delegation Visits Uzbekistan

From Summer Schools to a Supercomputer: HSE Delegation Visits Uzbekistan

An official HSE University delegation representing all four campuses visited Uzbekistan from October 3–6. HSE managers, teachers and researchers met with their peers from partner universities and government agencies to outline new areas of cooperation, discuss joint projects, programmes, and activities for students, and hold lectures and master classes. The participants shared their impressions of the trip with HSE News Service.

Illustration for news: HSE University Comes First in Russian Ranking of Entrepreneurial Universities

HSE University Comes First in Russian Ranking of Entrepreneurial Universities

HSE University has taken first place in the ranking of entrepreneurial universities compiled by the ‘Expert’ analytical centre. In four years, the university has risen by five positions. This year, HSE University received the maximum number of points in the categories ‘Founders’, ‘Startups’ and ‘Investments’.

Illustration for news: HSE University to Become Centre of Expertise for LPR Universities

HSE University to Become Centre of Expertise for LPR Universities

On October 19th, HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov became the first rector to visit the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), as part of a delegation following the Republic’s accession to Russia. During meetings with acting Head of LPR, Leonid Pasechnik, and the Republic’s Prime Minister, Sergey Kozlov, they signed an agreement between HSE University and LPR Government on strategic cooperation in education and research.

Illustration for news: ‘We Have Always Loved You, Sakhalin’: Research Expedition Studies Sociocultural Anthropology of Miners' Working Life in the USSR

‘We Have Always Loved You, Sakhalin’: Research Expedition Studies Sociocultural Anthropology of Miners' Working Life in the USSR

Researchers from the School of Foreign Languages and the Group for Historical Research, together with students of the History programme at the HSE University campus in Perm, have come back from an expedition to Sakhalin Island, where they studied Soviet industrial culture and the working life of miners. The expedition participants shared their impressions of their ‘immersion into the past’ and the extraordinary landscapes of the island with the HSE News Service.

Illustration for news: HSE University to Host 2022 Geographical Dictation

HSE University to Host 2022 Geographical Dictation

On October 30, the HSE University Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology will once again serve as a venue for the annual Geographical Dictation of the Russian Geographical Society. The dictation offers participants a chance to test their knowledge of Russian geography.

Illustration for news: Over 7,000 Students Take Part in Data Analysis National Olympiad

Over 7,000 Students Take Part in Data Analysis National Olympiad

Data analysis enthusiasts from different regions of Russia and 13 foreign countries recently took part in the Data Analysis National Olympiad (DANO). The results of the first round will be announced on October 20th.

Illustration for news: HSE University Hosts Syrian Delegation Led by Minister of Education

HSE University Hosts Syrian Delegation Led by Minister of Education

On October 11, HSE University hosted a delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic at the building on Pokrovsky Bulvar. During the meeting, they discussed education and the continuing cooperation between HSE University and Damascus University.

Illustration for news: HSE University and Bank of Russia Hold First Russian School on Sustainable Development in Finance

HSE University and Bank of Russia Hold First Russian School on Sustainable Development in Finance

The HSE University Graduate School of Business (GSB) has hosted the Autumn School in ESG Transformation of the Finance Sector. A total of 70 students from Russian universities passed the competitive selection process to take part. The four-day programme was devised and developed by the Central Bank of Russia. The speakers included top managers and regulatory specialists, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, VTB, Sber, Sibur, Gazprombank, Rosatom, Nornikel, VEB.RF, Rusal, and experts from HSE University.

Illustration for news: HSE University and National Media Group Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University and National Media Group Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University and National Media Group—Russia’s largest private media holding—have agreed to jointly implement the Master’s in Media Management run by the university’s Institute of Media. The collaboration involves the joint development of courses for the Master’s programme and the provision of internships for students.

Illustration for news: Deadline for HSE INTO Extended

Deadline for HSE INTO Extended

The registration deadline for the HSE International Olympiad has been extended until December 18, 2022. The competition will take place on January 16–29, 2023.