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Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room K409
SPIN-RSCI: 8803-6943
ORCID: 0000-0002-4063-8661
ResearcherID: D-4832-2014
Scopus AuthorID: 57194189233
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Svetlana Suchkova

  • Director:Office of Academic Development / Academic Writing Centre
  • Svetlana Suchkova has been at HSE University since 2016.


- coordinates the activities of Academic Writing Centre (AWC)

- monitors the quality of AWC services

- runs courses and seminars

Education, Degrees and Academic Titles

  • 2001
    Associate Professor
  • 1998

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)

  • 1985

    Degree in English and German Languages
    Kuibyshev State Teacher Training Institute

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

2001-2003 - Trainer certificates of the British Council, Moscow; Moscow-Plymouth; Samara-OSI New York

2005 - Online course Integrating the Internet into the Classroom, AES, Lewis&Clark College, Oregon, USA

July 2010 - EF International School of English, Cambridge, UK, Course Certificate, EFCELT level C2 (Council of Europe)

January 2014 - British Council trainer certificate

2014 - 8-week online course ColWri2.2x: Principles of Written English, edX, Berkeley University, USA

2014 - 8-week online course UWashingtonX: COMM220UWx: Introduction to Public Speaking, University of Washington, USA

April-July, 2015 - 60-hour online course Teaching English for Academic Purposes, NILE, UK

2015-2016  - 20-week online CertICT course, Trinity College, London, UK 

2016 - Coursera course Scholarly Communication, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

2016 - International Visitor Leadership Program, US Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, “Developing Academic Writing Centers: A Project for Russia"

2019 - Margaret Cargill's course Writing a Research Article for International Submission, Moscow

2020 - Online course Advanced Writing Strategies for Immediate Improvement, Udemy

2020 - Online course Becoming a Writer, Udemy

2020-2021 - The 100-hour online course Teaching Genre in the Writing Center
sponsored by RELO Tallinn and the National University of Science and Technology MISIS


Work experience

2017 – present  Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Academic Writing Center director

2016 –2017 Russian State Social University, Moscow, assistant professor

2016 New Economic School, Moscow, assistant professor

2007 – 2016 Samara University, Samara, Dean of Teachers’ Professional Development Department, assistant professor

2010-2012 Medical-Technical Lyceum, Samara, teacher of English IB program

1986 - 2007 Samara State Pedagogical University, assistant professor

1985-1986 Secondary school #3, Novokuibyshevsk, English language teacher

Work experience

2017- present Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Academic Writing Center director

2016 –2017 Russian State Social University, Moscow, associate professor

2016 New Economic School, Moscow, associate professor

2007 – 2016 Samara University, Samara, associate professor, Dean of Teachers’ Professional Development Department

2010-2012 Medical-Technical Lyceum, Samara, teacher of English, IB program

1986 - 2007 Samara State Pedagogical University, associate professor

1985-1986 Secondary School #3, Novokuibyshevsk, English language teacher


  • 2023
    Современные компетенции педагога в условиях цифровой трансформации образования (Бишкек). Presentation: Пленарный доклад "Институциональные инструменты развития академических компетенций у сотрудников университета", семинар-тренинг " Развитие навыков академического письма для публикационной деятельности в условиях цифровизации"
  • SLWIS Webinar at TESOL. Presentation: SLWIS Webinar: AI Tools to Facilitate Academic Writing: Recommendations from a Writing Center
  • The Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language (PRISEAL V) (Санта Круз). Presentation: Writing Center's research into academics' needs
  • Teachers' pathways and teaching footprints:30 years of NATE-Russia (Екатеринбург). Presentation: Why don't you share your expertise with the world
  • 2022
    «Обучение иностранным языкам в открытом поликультурном пространстве» (Moscow). Presentation: To know what to ‘feed,’ we research in what they need
  • IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Academic Science Communication: Teaching Non-Native English Speaking Scholars in a Multidisciplinary, Multicultural Context (Moscow). Presentation: Institutional Instruments of Supporting Academics' Publication Activity
  • The National Language Teachers' Conference "TESOL Methodology: From Global to Local" (Ош). Presentation: What is your metaphor of teaching / learning English?
  • 6-я международная школа молодых ученых из стран БРИКС (Moscow). Presentation: Five myths about research writing
  • 2019
    Academic Writing at Intersections, 10th Conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (Gothenburg). Presentation: Workshop "Russian Academics’ Challenges: Results of a Diagnostic Module"
  • 2019 Symposium on Second Language Writing (Tempe, Arizona). Presentation: Workshop "Writing for publication purposes: Challenges of ESL/EFL writers"
  • Academic Writing in a Global World: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives (Москва). Presentation: Workshop "Research into Academic Writing: Finding a Focus and Developing Questions"
  • NATE Jubilee Conference: 25 Years of Navigating Through Challenges (St. Petersburg). Presentation: Workshop "How can we make action research publishable?"
  • 2018
    Samara Academic Writing Institute "Dealing with pressure to publish" (Samara). Presentation: From submission to publication: Reviewer's perspective
  • Politics and the Writing Centre: Inquiry, Knowledge, Dialogue, and Action (Saskatoon). Presentation: National Consortium of Writing Centers as a Response to Government Incentives
  • Российско-китайский молодежный форум "Волга-Янцзы"- iВолга (Самара). Presentation: Workshop: Tips for a successful project presentation
  • II Школа научной коммуникации (Томск). Presentation: Статья на английском языке: ожидания читателя и типичные ошибки
  • Re-inventing the teacher and English language education (Moscow). Presentation: Workshop: Is classroom research publishable?
  • The 5th Annual Conference on EAP/ESP/EMI in the Context of Internationalization of Higher Educaton (Москва). Presentation: Finding Your Route to Research Writing: Diagnostic module of HSE Academic Writing Center
  • 2017
    The 9th conference of the European Association for Teaching Academic Writing (Royal Holloway, University of London). Presentation: Academic mobility: Russian writers' challenges
  • The 3d International Research Conference "Teaching English in Professional Context: Entering Global Community" (Tambov). Presentation: Plenary: What do we teach when we teach writing? Workshop:Master Your Editing Skills
  • The 4th International Conference on ESP/EAP/EMI in the Context of Higher Education Internationalization (Moscow). Presentation: Workshop: Using self-editing strategies for better writing
  • The 4th Okrug Conference of Yamalia English Language Teachers' Association (Gubkinsky). Presentation: Workshop: What's critical about critical thinking?

‘This Is an Attempt to See if Science Fits You’

HSE University has hosted the latest in a series of adaptation seminars for research assistants. Representatives of the Centre for Scholarly Integration and the Centre for Student Academic Development told aspiring scientists about the opportunities afforded by participation in projects at HSE’s scientific laboratories, while experienced research assistants shared their cases.

Collaboration of writing centers all over the world

On November 16-18 the National Writing Centres Consortium held its fifth international conference “TESOL Contexts: Global Practices of Teaching Academic Writing,” which gathered writing professionals from 8 countries.

AI tools for authors and writing instructors

The Academic Writing Center tries to stay at the cutting edge of writing pedagogy and to take part in discussing the newest developments in technology and teaching methodology.

‘English Will Still Be the Global Language of Scientific Communication’

Svetlana Suchkova on the activities of the Academic Writing Centre

‘I Got the Kick I Needed to Finish My Paper and Feel Inspired’

From December 16–18, the HSE Academic Writing Centre held a ‘Writers’ Retreat’ aimed at giving HSE University researchers an opportunity to look at their texts from a different perspective. The participants and facilitators of the event spoke with the HSE News Service about the importance of self-editing and peer review.

We shared the results of research the AWC conducts

On December 3-4, 2022, Svetlana Suchkova ran a workshop “To know what to ‘feed,’ we research in what they need” at the MGU international conference.

Collaboration and experience sharing

On October 20-22 the AWC team members took part in the IV international conference "Academic Science Communication: Teaching Non-Native English Speaking Scholars in a Multidisciplinary, Multicultural Context" organized by the National Writing Centers Consortium (NWCC).

Crash course “Action Research Venture”

The AWC Director Svetlana Suchkova developed and ran a special course for the faculty of the National University of Science and Technology MISIS. 

Linguistic Pleasure: HSE University’s Academic Writing Centre

Founded in 2011, the Academic Writing Centre strives to help HSE University faculty improve their academic and research-writing skills in English. HSE University bulletin Okna spoke to several teachers and researchers who have used the AWC’s services over the decade.

How to publish more: A workshop at the Faculty of Law

On November 29 Svetlana Suchkova, the AWC director, took part as a speaker in the workshop of the Faculty of Law. The event was aimed at enhancing the publishing activity among faculty members.